Emulsifiers have a great impact on the stability, viscosity, breaking strength, and adhesion of the bitumen emulsion. Emulsifier can be defined as a surface-active agent; Applying bitumen emulsions using cold techniques reduce the consumption of energy and makes road construction environmentally friendlier. Road Development, Construction & Maintenance. For Application use of Prime & Tack Coating.

  • RS1- Bitumen Emulsion RS-1 is anionic water-based emulsified asphalt containing minimum 57% bitumen designed for use as a bituminous binder for chip seals. Tack Coat RS-1 cationic bitumen emulsion can be used at ambient temperature at the spray rate of 0.25 to 0.70 litre per square meter (0.05 to 0.15 gallon per square yard).
  • SS1- SS1 Bitumen SS1 is emulsified asphalt slow-setting, anionic type and are further characterized by their ability to remain stable on storage although produced with equipment that generates a wide range of shearing forces.
  • MS1- MS is water based Bitumen Emulsion with high viscosity and medium setting characteristics that makes it an ideal product for Patchwork as well as for Tack coat application. It is chocolate brown in color and is a free flowing liquid at ambient temperature.
  • RS2- Bitumen Emulsion RS-2 is anionic water-based emulsified asphalt containing minimum 57% bitumen designed for use as a bituminous binder for chip seals.
  • SS2- SS-2 is designed for use in slurry seals and for cold storable mixtures for patching. They are designed for soil stabilization and also suitable for use with cold recycling.
  • MS2- MS-2 is an anionic water-based medium setting emulsified asphalt containing minimum 60% Bitumen. Application: Tack Coat MS-2 cationic bitumen emulsion can be used at ambient temperature at the spray rate of 0.25 to 0.70 litre per square meter (0.05 to 0.15 gallon per square yard).